Coming to faith in Jesus Christ is the most beautiful and incredible moment when any individual is factory reset by God's Spirit to God's original vision of who we are and much much more. When you believed on Jesus Christ you immediately given a new identity that says you are a son of God. Find out what this means in this episode.
The Lord Jesus' promise that tongues would follow those that believe as a sign fell in two categories ie human and angelic tongues. This teaching isn't exhaustive but it touches the nerve of why you should pray in the angelic tongue more than anything else.
When it comes to relating with our heavenly Father, it all comes down to your heart's posture. A humble, remorseful and repentant heart, and one that trembles at the word of God is a perfect heart. God will relate with us based on our heart posture. In fact it is the only 'app' known to men that can come into contact with God instantly. Listen, download and share with someone else.
David's quarrel with Goliath is, I believe the best education in how to destroy Satan and his works. It involved cursing ie witchcraft or spell casting or utterances to shape the encounter's outcome. It was an exercise in the power of words. Learn how to walk in the victory that Jesus Christ made possible to day.
At the time he got this vision, Daniel was living under the reign of the third empire, ie the Babylonian. Four were yet to rise hence the four beasts. Notice that the fact is that there are have been several other empires that have influenced world event but God speaks of seven. This is because these have had a direct influence on the nation of Israel. They destroyed Israel, they took her into captivity & also restored her.